According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer control objectives are best achieved through a multi-faceted approach for reducing the risk for cancer. An expert international report recommended that food, nutrition, physical activity and body composition modify the risk of cancer.

Elize Joubert, CANSA’s CEO explains, "Diet and leading a balanced lifestyle plays a very significant role in reducing the risk of cancer, and CANSA is setting out to educate and empower South Africans with tips to make all of the difference – ahead of World Health Day on 7 April 2015."

There are five ‘key behaviours’ for health promotion for a balanced lifestyle and reducing the risk of cancer:

Eat smart

Eat at least five portions of fruit (in season) and vegetables daily;
- Restrict salt as well as sugar and sugar-containing foods and drinks. A new WHO guideline recommends that adults and children reduce their daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their total energy intake;
- Make starchy foods that are high in roughage and whole-grains the basis of most meals;
- Eat dairy products and animal protein in moderation;
- Restrict animal and saturated fats;
- Drink plenty safe, clean water; and
- Limit intake of processed and refined foods.

Be physically active and maintain a healthy weight

In South Africa there is an alarming increase in the amount of overweight and obese individuals, with more than 29% of men and 56% of women classified as being overweight or obese. Classified as a chronic disease, obesity is associated with an increased risk for cancers. Obesity in women is related with cancers of the reproductive system while in men, obesity is linked to cancer of the rectum, colon and prostate. Research also shows that obesity is linked to cancer of the colon, kidney as well as other non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and hypertension.

- Adults: engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, above usual activities, on five or more days of the week; and
- Children and adolescents: engage in at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity at least five days per week.

Avoid Carcinogens (cancer- causing agents)

All tobacco products are harmful to health, CANSA assists and encourages quitting tobacco use via its online CANSA eKick Butt programme.

Limit or avoid alcohol – may lead to head and neck cancers, oesophagus, colon, liver and hormonal cancers;
- Stay safe in the sun, excessive ultraviolet exposure may cause skin cancer. Avoid the use of sunbeds and self- tanning products that contain melanotan; and
Look out for the CANSA Smart Choice and CANSA SunSmart products.

Be pro-active and take control to reduce cancer risk

Know your family history and risks;
- Know your body to recognise changes, seek professional medical consultation if symptoms persist;
- Do regular self- examination for breast, testicular and skin cancers;
- Have regular check-ups and screening tests for cancer;
Vaccinate with hepatitis B and human papilloma virus vaccines to reduce the risk of liver and cervical cancer.

To find out if you are at risk of developing cancer, take this quick survey that CANSA has developed to assess your possible risk. Assess your risk. More tips on how to live a balanced lifestyle can be found in CANSA’s Life is Beautiful book or visit the CANSA website

Keep food safe

Unsafe food can lead to a range of health problems: diarrhoea, viral disease, reproductive and developmental problem and cancers. So food safety is essential for food security.

- Always wash your hands and sanitise surfaces when handling food;
- Separate raw and cooked foods when storing in the refrigerator;
- Keep food at a safe temperature;
- Use safe water and always check expiry dates on bottled water;
- Reheat cooked food thoroughly; and
- Cook food well, especially seafood and chicken.

For more information, visit the CANSA website.