By Cortney Wright

Today there are videos on the internet that allow users to connect and get access to so many different things. From learning how to braid your hair in a unique way to learning how to play guitar, there is really nothing you cannot get access to on these platforms.

There are two new social networking video platforms that have proven to be very popular. Firstly, my.TV, which has brought with it new technology that changes the way you find and get access to video content. my.TV has become the first to deliver a user friendly way to consume and create web-based video content. According to the my.TV site, “Not only does it employ state-of-the-art technologies to enhance access to new content, it also makes it simple for individuals and organisations, large and small, to create and share channels.”

my.TV has been built from the ground up to be a one-stop solution for viewing and distributing unique channels. Traditional video playlists on sites such as YouTube are more focused on uploading and embedding videos, so this is where the main difference lies.

In order for a user to have a my.TV account, they have to be an active Facebook user. “Each day, we count the number of the valid new referrals to your channel. A referral is valid when they are an authentic user who has never subscribed to your channel before,” stated the my.TV site. When you first create a my.TV account, you are able to choose the topics that interest you the most from a list of different categories . These can range from fashion to sport to comedy and so forth. This gives users the ability to only have access to videos that will interest them and also only share videos with people with similar interests to them.

Videos are also recommended based on the viewing preferences so that users are directed to the most popular ones. Users have the level of control that they desire and will be able to modify the content that they receive in using my.TV.

The second social live video platform that is commonly used is called Kondoot. Kondoot is a social media company that offers free live and recorded video options as well as proprietary paid broadcasting. Kondoot opened in the United States in December 2011, and the start-up now claims members from 137 countries, says CNET editor, Paul Sloan.

The purpose of Kondoot is to broadcast live events, and so it has built a social network around that. With Kondoot, you can search, like, connect, follow and instant message much like normal social networks.

Similar to my.TV, in order to sign up for Kondoot<>, a user must first be connected to Facebook. Kondoot has one main purpose. Like my.TV, it facilitates shared moments with friends and family around the world. "The big guys - Facebook, Google+ - are all doing social, and Livestream and Ustream are doing live video," said co-founder Mark Cracknell, "We're trying to combine them ... There was no one hub."

According to the content delivery network site, Edgecast , it has partnered with Kondoot in an effort to grow. Now the video coverage displayed on the platform is assured to be viewed quickly and smoothly, regardless of the location of the user. The key challenge with both of these video platforms, (as with any social networking platform) of course, is to get more users. Good content will lead to more members, and more members will lead to better content.

What do you think of video social networking? Tell us below.