There are so many new and essential skills and learning paradigms beyond the content of a course, and they are often quite elusive to new students.

Oxford University Press Southern Africa, in partnership with the Stellenbosch University Language Centre and A Blind Spot Productions, has created a smart new video series as part of a campaign to help students learn more effectively and equip lecturers to teach better – how to negotiate the world of academia. The videos cover the cornerstones of academic practice Bloom’s Taxonomy, in the first video launched in late 2014, and assignment writing, referencing and note taking, in a newly-launched trio.

The series follows the story of three students, each facing their own academic difficulties and learning to #studysmart.

Each video uses a unique, thematic approach to contextualise its subject matter: whether it’s turning assignment writing into a hyper stylised videogame challenge, or portraying the process of managing references by personifying source material as guests at a dinner party. Each theme adds an element of surprise and humour to engage students – while seamlessly illustrating how to “do” each of the study activities. To ensure that students’ learning is entrenched, each video is also accompanied by a visually appealing set of PDF notes.

The video series combines poignant content with stylish delivery and results in the best of both worlds – something that’s educational and entertaining. Lecturers and students will be sure to benefit.

Click here to discover Professor Bloom’s adventures and learn with Chris, Lloyd and Litha.