What’s more is the crazy bunch from On The Couch, featuring Martin Myers and a guy only known as Flapper, will entertain listeners between 09:00 and 10:00.

On The Couch, #OTC as it is fondly known, is a witty and crazy sport-themed show, filled with 60 minutes of laughs, non-facts, some actual facts and food for thought. The show was initiated by Myers and the late Saturday Breakfast show host Az Abrahams over 10 years ago.

The sports-mad trio, an accountant, a music industry veteran and breakfast show jock make for fun radio. Every Saturday the phone lines light up as listeners get to tackle the fanatical Flapper, referee Makina and the ever controversial Myers on everything from try-lines to balls. Everything about On The Couch is entirely off the cuff and therein lies its spontaneity and in turn its success.

With Makina keeping the lines open throughout the show, and a little bit of music to dilute the talk, the subject matter is relevant to the sports issues of the day — a mixture of good clean fun and addressing controversial issues.

With international sport well covered, these three wise men are hungry to expose and celebrate the best of what the country has to offer in up-and-coming talent and teams, no matter what the sport or discipline.

The trio, however do not play by the rules, only because they spend more time on the bench than on the field, making On The Couch everything but formatted — instead it is fun, entertaining and downright silly at times.