As Sarah Britten, writer, blogger and communications strategist, says, “Walking into a new business briefing where a potential client has just seen you on Carte Blache is the kind of instant credibility that is has to establish any other way.

By Cassy van Eeden

As social media consultant Jacqui Mackway Wilson says, “When you have established a reputation as a thought-leader in your particular industry or niche, it becomes a lot easier to attract new clients and business.”

Establishing yourself as the go-to person within a certain field isn’t easy, though, and it doesn’t happen over night. But how do you get yourself and your voice out there? How do you become an expert in your field?

Know your stuff

Although there are some ‘experts’ who may have gotten away with it in the past, not being clued up on every possible aspect of your chosen topic or industry is the biggest mistake you can make.

“Smart audiences expect you to have done something in a given industry or field,” says Simon Dingle, tech enthusiast and radio show host. Dingle, who prefers to be called anything but a thought leader, continues: “They [audiences] aren’t interested in hearing from people who just talk about something they have no working knowledge of.”

If you are asked to comment on something or participate in an interview, make sure you know your stuff, says Britten. Do your research, she says, no matter how much you think you may know. That way you are able to add value to the conversation, which should, essentially, be your goal.

Have a presence, be consistent

Like you would with any brand, if you want to get noticed, you need to have a presence in your industry. Having a blog, for example, is a great way to discuss and comment on issues relevant to your industry. Using your social media presence to share industry-specific content and participate in discussions is another way to get noticed.

Establishing a consistent presence online via social media and through blogging is how Britten got started. “I was out there, consistently,” she says.

“Whatever your area of expertise is or whatever it is that you want to be known for, make sure that when it comes to the content you share online, you strive to remain relevant and topical at least 80% of the time,” says Mackway-Wilson.

Be available

One the most effective ways to go about establishing yourself as an authoritative voice is to be heard in the media. Ideally, you’d like to become the person that the media turns to first to comment on a new development in the industry or field that you have aligned yourself with.

This means creating and cultivating meaningful relationships with members of the media, particularly the media that covers your industry, says Britten. “Be helpful,” she says, “Primarily by being available for interviews.”

Being available means being easy to contact and quick to respond, even if it’s at the last minute. “When a producer contacts me to do a last minute interview,” says Britten, “I make an effort to be available.”

Are you an expert in your field? What advice do you have for aspiring thought leaders? Let us know in the comments below.