Uganda has just been added to the print media list and already six titles in the country are being monitored. There has also been growth in the number of publications monitored in Kenya and Nigeria.

A wider range of websites within Africa are also being monitored. The number of websites monitored in Angola, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania and Zimbabwe Newsclip have all increased.

Newsclip began its Africa expansion programme in June 2014, launching Africa media monitoring, which monitors print, broadcast and online media throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Currently sourced from 22 countries, the reach includes 122 publications, 182 targeted websites and 43 broadcast stations.

“We are continuously expanding our reach across Africa and are excited to see a growing interest in media monitoring across the continent,” says Newclip’s marketing and communication specialist, Catherine Dabbs. “The extension into Africa offers new opportunities for existing and potential clients, while assisting in the company’s growth.”

About Newsclip

Newsclip has over 30 years’ experience in media monitoring and content management, providing clients with meaningful and measurable media solutions. Newsclip monitor the full media landscape in South African, along with an expanding African portfolio.

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