In our new world of increased personalisation, individualisation, and digital centricity, I think it is time for people to realise that we are all CEO’s of brand 'me' and that we should pause and do the most critical task of nurturing and building brand 'me'.

Over my 20 years of executive marketing experience, I discovered that the process of building a company and product brands is exactly the same, albeit with minimum cost for the build of a personal brand.

Here is a basic guide on how to embark on a personal brand journey, or rather, the 10P’s of personal branding:

1. Purpose

Find your purpose in life. The right purpose ensures that you find or choose the right vocation that you innately excel in and ultimately satisfies you. The step of finding your purpose is the first and most important step in the process and precedes putting down a plan and vision.

2. Planning

A formal plan that is written down ensures that you are serious about what you want to do, and achieve with your brand. The plan articulates your dreams, vision, objectives in life, and journey on how to get there. In addition, a written plan ensures that we remain accountable for a delivery.

3. Positioning

Positioning is all about what is in the mind of others. What are others saying about you? Obtain feedback on this if you are not sure and then write down what your perception is about yourself. What would you like others to say about you? This will become your positioning statement. 

4. Promote

Unlike a corporate or product brand, the personal brand does not have financial resources to market itself, hence spotting many opportunities to market yourself become critical. Do not miss an opportunity to market brand 'me'. Sometimes, pro-bono or volunteer work may have to be done to demonstrate your strengths to a potential employer; or, you may have to attend a conference or meeting to be in the same space as like-minded people. Ensure you have a significant and appropriate digital presence as well.

5. Partnerships

Networking remains one of the most successful ways to quickly connect with potential customers, partners, or employees. Look and seek for opportunities to network. Have a pre-planned objective for the event; for example, how many business cards you will give out or how many people you will actually engage with at the networking platform. Do not ignore online or digital networking platforms – these are easily available and time effective.

6. Personal Style

Personal style is really about your USP (your unique selling proposition). What is the one or two things that set you apart from others in your field? It has to be differentiated and special. Your purpose often helps identify your personal style and USP.

7. Power

Power is not a bad word. One has to build influential and reputational power. Your knowledge, skills, and USP is a platform to build positive power in a humble and credible manner. This does take time, and it all happens as, and when, people experience you, your work, and your wisdom/knowledge.

8. Package 

Image and outward appearance do count. Dress and groom appropriately for the occasion or the vocation that you choose. People unfortunately still take only 10 seconds to make a first impression. This applies for your social and online appearance as well. A brand can be destroyed online or on social media in an instant if the incorrect comments or content is shared. Your offline and online brand must have the same image sentiment. Building a brand is about consistency.

9. Persistence

How often do we mentally have a new year’s list of objectives and plans and how often do we abandon this if we don’t see immediate results? A personal brand plan is about tenacity and a steadfast attitude. Sometimes, you will have to take a few steps backwards in order to be propelled forward. If you believe in your plan, dare not to give up.

10. Passion

Passion is a heart and a feelings matter. I don’t believe that a person can truly deliver their stellar work if they are not passionate about whatever they are doing. Passion comes from deep within us and is the 'thing' that drives us and naturally delights us, no matter how difficult the task may be. What is your passion?

Similar to company brands, brands will inevitably re-invent and invent themselves. The only constant with a personal brand is that as you go through life and the phases of maturity, your brand will evolve. Enjoy the journey.

For more information, contact [email protected].