media update’s Adam Wakefield spoke to Richard Bensted, managing director of iShack Innovation Consultancy, about how changes in Google’s search algorithm has an impact on the number of eyeballs able to see your content and website.

Google recently completed its core search ranking update. What did the company change exactly?

Google's latest change was a broad core algorithm update. The company never fully discloses the exact changes it makes which is one of the reasons why many agencies and companies are nervous of SEO. However, the Google did say that these new changes were designed to ‘benefit pages that were previously under-rewarded’ and advised everyone to carry on creating great content.

SEO is a vital part of marketing. How will the change within Google core search affect marketers and how can marketers minimise the update’s impact?

The impact of this Google core algorithm update in terms of search results and visibility is huge. The impact on actual traffic might not be. There are definitely things we’ll need to figure out over the coming weeks / months though, like the importance of site structure and URLs and mobile speeds. Marketers cam minimise the affect by focusing on building great content and  improving overall site quality by running on-site audits more regularly.

From a publishing perspective, what will the impact of the update be on traffic to websites, site structure and URL?

The impact on traffic and others factors was not huge. The current update seems to be similar to previous core algorithm updates, only on a broader scale. Google has been updating the core algorithm on a daily basis. An estimate of changes in a year is around 665 updates per year.

With Google not being specific about the details of its updates, what should you keep in mind to ensure your site or content is SEO-update resilient?

Remain focused on building great content, improve your overall site and over time, it may be that your content may rise relative to other pages.

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