There is a beautiful quote by Albert Einstein that says, "It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it."

For me, this quote brilliantly explains why brands should get involved in some form of charity work. There is a lot of negativity going on in the world, so when consumers support a brand that does its share of good, they feel good about supporting it.

Read on as media update's Saads Abrahams gives us the low-down on how to get started with cause marketing.


What is cause marketing?

Cause marketing, also known as cause-related marketing, is when a brand or company partners up with a non-profit organisation to collaborate. Together, they create campaigns that not only bring in profits for the profit-run organisation but for the non-profit as well.

Why is it important?

The reason brands need to stand up for a cause is that more and more people are aware of the environmental and social issues that are plaguing our world. So, when a brand gets involved in giving back, it makes the customer feel better about supporting them.

People are more likely to support a brand that supports a cause that they feel passionate about. This also helps brands convert once-off customers into more loyal ones. It not only helps the brand, but it also helps the causes they are supporting.

Finding the right cause for you

Social consciousness, as well as the need for sustainability, has been at the forefront of consumers' minds. This is why brands need to find a cause that aligns with their brand image and ethos.

You can either choose a non-profit organisation to work with that makes sense for your brand, or you can start your own charity for your customers to get involved in.

Another aspect to consider is whether you want to work with a local or international organisation.

Define your goals

Now that you have chosen your cause, you need to define the goals your brand would like to achieve with your campaign.

Are you looking to raise funds, get customers involved in building up a self-sufficient community, or simply trying to create brand awareness?

Promotion and awareness

There is no point in getting involved in cause marketing if no one will know about it. You need to figure out what the best way is for people to find out about the cause you are supporting.

Make use of social media, press releases, billboards and in-store promotional content. This way, you get the most traction around your initiative, and this ensures the success of your campaign!

The benefits of cause marketing

There are a few ways that a brand can benefit from cause marketing.

These are by:
  • creating a positive brand image
  • upholding your social responsibility
  • giving your brand a competitive edge
  • building better relationships
  • creating customer loyalty, and
  • improving employee morale.

Types of campaigns you can run

Depending on your brand, there are different methods each brand can make use of to run their campaigns — such as:


When your customer is at the till paying for their product, a staff member asks them if they would like to either donate a small amount of money or buy something small that is at the till for a certain price. Those proceedings then go to said charity or cause. Think of KFC Add Hope or The Cotton On Foundation.

Buy-one and give-one
This is a fun way to get customers involved in supporting your cause. If they buy one specific product, then one will get donated to the cause they are supporting. Think of the Dischem 'Millions Comfort' campaign.

Buy and support
When a customer buys a product, all of the proceeds or a portion of the proceeds will go to the charity or initiative. Think of the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card.

However you look at it when brands get involved in giving back, it's an incredible thing for all the parties involved!


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Now that you know all about cause marketing, take a look at the Four ways to improve brand loyalty [Infographic].
*Image courtesy of Canva
** Information sourced from SendPulse, MasterClass and CopyPress