Here are the trends going into 2024.

As audiences become more discerning, they prefer influencers who appear genuine and relatable rather than overly polished or scripted. Work with creators to develop concepts rather than dictate a campaign rollout to them.

Brands increasingly work with micro-influencers (those with smaller, highly engaged followings) rather than relying solely on macro-influencers or celebrities. Micro-influencers often had a more authentic connection with their audience (this takes us back to the first point of authenticity).

Long-term partnerships
Brands and creators favour long-term partnerships with influencers rather than one-off campaigns. Brand partnerships allow for more genuine and sustained relationships with the audience over time.

Diverse representation
Diversity and inclusion matter, especially in influencer marketing and when you want to reach multiple audiences with your brand messages. Brands need to work with influencers from various backgrounds to reach a wider and more diverse audience.

Short-form video content
As consumers' attention spans drop, it is more important now than ever before to be able to get your message across quickly. Short-form video content is highly engaging and shareable, which means higher reach, views and engagement.

Social commerce
Social media platforms are integrating shopping features, enabling influencers to promote and sell products directly through their content. This is going to be an interesting look into the real impact an influencer can make on a company's bottom line.

Employee advocacy
More and more companies are encouraging their employees to become brand advocates and micro-influencers to showcase the company's culture and values. This is most prevalent on LinkedIn to attract talent, and something your company should be looking into to drive reach and awareness.

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