Mdaka, a graduate of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, is no stranger to accolades, both professionally and as a netballer. But she is very excited about being named a brand ambassador for Tsogo Sun Hotels. “I’m ecstatic about it. It is a first for netball and a wonderful opportunity to tell people about netball and what a wonderful game it is,” she enthused.

“Netball is finally being put on the map. Netball South Africa have a fantastic partnership with Tsogo Sun, but the sports brand ambassadorships have usually been reserved for sports like cricket, soccer and rugby. So this is a great breakthrough for women’s sport, and for netball in particular,” she said.

“Part of my job as brand ambassador will be to attend and possibly speak at designated Tsogo Sun functions, and will give me the opportunity to promote the sport we all love so much.”

Mdaka, who plays for Gauteng Central, will be one of more than 650 players who will be in action at the SPAR National Championships at the Royal Bafokeng Sports Palace in Rustenburg.