Caxton intends to position Living and Loving exclusively as an online parenting information portal. Through its digital platform, the brand will still provide selected areas of its content in print through a bumper parenting section, titled Smart Parent, which will be incorporated into Your Family.

These changes will come into effect from October, with the September issue of Living and Loving being the final print edition to go on sale.

Living and Loving magazine has been in print for nearly half a century and has 588 issues. The magazine strives to continue to provide generations of parents with trusted advice on pregnancy, birth and raising children, from newborn to five years.

"In the last two years, our online audience has grown from strength to strength while, in line with international trends, print sales continued to shrink," says editor Sonya Naude.

"Our audience is still interacting with us, but they're doing it online and through our social media channels. We understand that consumer media consumption habits are changing, and we're adapting with them," says Naude.

Living and Loving's team, comprising its editor Sonya Naude and digital editor Xanet Scheepers, will strive to source and produce content that is still in line with what 'parennials' (a new generation of millennial moms and dads) want and need. Smart Parent, available in a new look in Your Family magazine from October, will aim to deal with parenting concerns that affect children at different ages and stages.

This 16 page section will have its own cover, printed on a thicker paper stock for easy access, and will have a mix of news and features that relate to babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, tweens and teens. The section will additionally include a childrens' fashion feature.

"This is an exciting opportunity for Your Family to extend its subject matter to include content that appeals to next-generation families with a wider age range of children," says Your Family editor Janine Collins.

"[It will also help] advertisers to reach a larger, parenting-aligned readership in print. We're optimistic about the brand's future in this new format," Collins concludes.

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