If you're not quite sure what evergreen content is, it refers to content that continuously performs well and remains applicable to your audiences. Therefore, by creating evergreen content, your blogs will consistently get reads and draw in traffic.

However, not all types of blog content are evergreen. In order to be sustainable, this content has to be uninfluenced by changing trends in the industry that you are blogging about.

So, how do you create this type of content?

Here to give the lowdown on everything evergreen in the blogging scene is media update's Lara Smit:

1. Plant the tallest trees

One of the tricks with creating evergreen content is ensuring that it is continuously discoverable online.

As we know, the tallest trees get the most sun. Similarly, blogs that are the most SEO-friendly get the most exposure online because they continuously come up in user searches.

So, how do you plant the tallest trees?

You can incorporate SEO into your writing by:
  • using popular keywords that your audiences are using in their searches
  • writing blogs that are informational, transactional, navigational and comparative
  • improving your readability
  • creating a content-centric website design, and
  • integrating a diverse range of media into your blogs.

2. Sow all the right seeds

Blog content that never loses wind online contains seeds of knowledge like important industry terminology and concepts. Why?

Well, some jargon and constructs of an industry rarely change. Therefore, content that explains what these terms and ideas mean is always relevant to people working in this field and will continuously be searched for online.

Content like this is especially relevant for industry newbies who are still grappling with the terminology that is used in their field. For this reason, these individuals will be more likely to look for content online that will help them better understand their new working environments.

Another way you can sow the right seeds is by incorporating questions that are frequently asked by your audiences into your content. This will allow it to stay relevant because it addresses topics that come up time and time again.

3. Know how to prune your content

When creating blogs, there are a few things you need to cut out to ensure that your content will thrive for a long period of time — like:
  • statistics
  • dates
  • holiday references
  • trends, and
  • news.
This is because by including these variables, your content becomes time-specific. Therefore, its content will no longer be applicable in a few months' time when these variables change.

So, by nipping off these variables while producing your blogs, it will ensure that your content never becomes outdated. It's as easy as that.

4. Know what type of plants are the best to plant

When aiming to create evergreen content, it's important to know what type of content will continuously be relevant to your audiences.

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, forms of content that continue to perform well with audiences include:
  • how-to pieces
  • listicles
  • tutorials, and
  • content that provides advice and tips.
But why does this content never become outdated?

The information that is generally provided in these types of blogs is always useful to people who would like to learn new skills or information about a topic. Therefore, these types of blogs are continuously searched for and read online.

5. Let your plant spread its roots

Another way to ensure that your content continues to perform well is by repurposing it and resharing it with your audiences.

For example, if you have an existing blog that has performed well, you can ensure that it will carry on flourishing by sharing and resharing it on a variety of platforms. Therefore, you can generate more leads out of the same content.

Another example of how you can reuse your content is by presenting it in a variety of different formats. For example, you can repurpose your blog by copying its information into:
  • an infographic
  • an image
  • an audio
  • a video, and
  • social media posts.
Therefore, instead of creating new content, you can just let your existing content grow and spread its roots to new platforms and formats.

What else can bloggers do to keep their content evergreen? Share your tips in the comments section below.

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Now that you know what type of content you need to write, find out how you can write it well in our article, Five tips on how to be a great blogger.
*Image courtesy of Canva