News Media At the Dawn of Generative AI aims to provide journalists and media professionals with a foundation to evaluate the opportunities and threats emanating from popular technology.

The report is free to INMA members and may be purchased by non-members, and individuals can click here to access the generative AI report.

INMA Smart Data Initiative writes the 91-page report lead Ariane Bernard and explores:
  • the foundations for generative AI
  • legislation, regulation and the law
  • generative AI's core issues for news publishers, and
  • how media can practically use generative AI now.

Among critical learnings in the report are:
  • Why AI is blossoming now in the public consciousness.
  • What generative AI does well and today’s blind spots.
  • Governance, copyright, legislation, and Fair Use: the strains and what media companies can do now to get in front of the tension between technology and the law.
  • What publishers find safe and unsafe about proceeding with generative AI.
  • A checklist of what newsrooms can achieve now with generative AI.

Generative AI offers media companies opportunities to:
  • find efficiencies
  • improve productivity
  • shift resources to high-value journalism, and
  • create new user value propositions.

Riding a wave of popularity, generative AI vaulted to the top of media c-suites thanks to the release of OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E, among others.

"INMA aims to shorten the runway on the hottest topic in news media today," says Earl J. Wilkinson, executive director and CEO of INMA.

Wilkinson concludes, "This report will better ground us, spotlight the opportunities, contextualise the threats, and advance the flag of a subject that is morphing into an insights phase. It is a must-read for c-suite leaders, newsrooms and product teams."

News Media At the Dawn of Generative AI represents INMA's second foray in three months into the implications and early practical uses of the technology. AI Guide and ChatGPT Promptbook for News Marketers was released in January.

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