The world of radio is one of those enigma situations. Just about everyone listens to the radio at least once a week. If you are not a radio-in-the-car kind of person, you might hear it when you are out and about.

Even with the world moving and changing and the emergence of podcasts the radio world is still going strong. With this popularity and — let's face it — longevity, it is easy to see why so many people want to get a piece of the action.

media update's Alrika Möller turns up the volume to list different careers in the radio industry here:

Board operator

Let's start with one we know!

The board operator is the very capable individual that manages broadcast transmissions through an operating board. They often perform a behind the sounds balancing act, as they:

  • field calls
  • keep the showing running on time with commercials
  • handle playbacks
  • play pre-recorded segments, and
  • keep the broadcast clear and consistent.

If the idea of this job tickles your fancy, you might want to look into getting a computer or technology-related course under your belt. Experience, however, is key. Try getting an internship that will teach you on the go.

Production director

Production directors have the super fun task of turning the chaos into organised chaos in order to make everything run smoothly.

These individuals are responsible for the following aspects of the radio show:

  • deciding which commercials to air and when
  • scheduling announcers
  • scheduling all paid programming, and
  • making sure everything is set and ready for the next broadcast.

This position is a work-your-way-up type of job. Most people lucky enough to have this job had to start at the bottom, usually doing an internship somewhere in the radio industry.

Some hosts or operators move into this position as their career builds.

News reporter

In a few radio shows and stations the radio presenter takes on the role of the news reporter as well, but not always. For the most part, it is a standalone position. News reporters are the ones informing us about breaking news during our morning commute or lunch rush driving.

Most news reporters report from within the station, but they can also take the act on the road if there is a big story happening and they want to report from the location or interview a connected party.

If reporting news on the radio is your dream job, you will need to have a broadcast journalism or at least a normal journalism degree. After that, it is all about getting experience.

Radio producer

Producers usually work with a specific segment or show. They are heavily involved in the creativity of it all as their responsibilities include:

  • researching ideas
  • writing and developing scripts
  • selecting music
  • finding on-air contributors, and
  • managing presenters.

The producer is the person you go to if you have an idea. They make things happen and are actually responsible for the content of your favourite radio shows.

If you want to be the person calling the creative shots, you will have to invest in a qualification in communication, media or broadcast media. Once you have the qualification in the bag, you will have to work your way ups, as you do with most jobs.

Radio presenter

This is the most famous and certainly the most coveted job within the radio industry. It sounds glamorous to be the voice on the radio, having fun conversations with co-hosts or answering the calls from listeners.

Presenters also interview everyone from celebrities to experts weighing in on a specific subject.

The most difficult part might not be having to get up before dawn to be ready for a morning show but rather being upbeat at all times and keeping the conversation going even when it's dying a slow and painful death.

Radio presenters have a lot of responsibilities, beyond just being funny and having conversations. A lot of the time, they have input into the content created and with a lot of radio stations and shows the presenters do their own research about the topics chosen for a segment.

If you are someone that loves the sound of your own voice, this job is the perfect job for you. A degree or qualification in a media or broadcast-related subject is a big plus for anyone looking to become a radio personality.

However, the most important thing is for people to know who you are. You have to get your voice out there.

Have you ever considered a career in the radio industry? Let us know in the comments section below.

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If you are looking for more help finding a career within the broadcast industry, you have to check out Careers in broadcast journalism.
*Image courtesy of Canva