Some people get their news through digital sources and online publications — and we thank you

Others prefer the feeling of paper between their fingers and folding an oversized newspaper. 

But what is the divide in the UK? 

Are they keen on a hard copy, or do they fancy a screen? 

media update's Alrika Möller answers the digital versus physical media question below. 

I don't know if you will be shocked, but it seems that most of the British prefer to get their news through digital sources

Those sources include the online versions of newspapers and the various platforms and publications of news stations, such as the BBC and SkyNews.

The digital craze doesn't stop there! 

They also enjoy looking at blogs and smaller online publications, as well as having a major podcast following. They don't use these to stay up-to-date on breaking news stories. These are more for fun reading and FYI topics

The shocker is that UK magazine readers prefer the glossy papers of a hardcopy magazine

Big magazines offer an online version, but the classic hardcopy magazine seems to be thriving. 

What does this mean for the UK media industry? Keep moving forward, but never underestimate the classics

We enjoy giving you insights into the UK media industry. Let us know what UK-specific questions you might have in the comment section below. 

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