Globally, diabetes is on the rise as people increasingly opt for high fat and energy-rich foods. Carte Blanche Medical spoke to Dr Ngobeni Gabaza about how to prevent and manage this condition.

Dr David Bercelli then shared his research into the human body’s in-built mechanism for recovery from trauma and restoring internal balance. Though modern humans often suppress it, Bercelli’s trauma-releasing exercises re-induce the biological response and can assist both traumatised soldiers returning from war-zones like Iraq as much as ordinary people, anywhere in the world.

Unlucky enough to really break a limb? The team told you how to deal with a medical emergency involving broken bones.

Next, Carte Blanche Medical took to one of only three Bränemark institutes worldwide that, in a coup for South Africa, has just been established in Johannesburg to restore the faces of badly disfigured individuals using medical technology seldom seen before.

Finally – if we really are what we eat then can food keep us young? The team looked at how nuts, yoghurt, whole grains and even watermelon pips can stem the tide of ageing.