The team at Target Media Directory has put together a step-by-step guide that will show you how to craft a PR strategy for your personal brand.

Ready to get started? Here are our five steps for success:

Step 1: Identify what makes you stand out from the crowd

What is it that separates you from all the other PR specialists out there? Is it your knack for social media, your unparalleled connections with the media or your wealth of experience? Whatever it is that makes you different needs to be the focus of your personal PR strategy.

Once you’ve identified exactly what sets you apart from the rest, refine it. Learn all that you can about that particular area – and sell it!

Step 2: Set SMART goals

Take time to consider what you would like to achieve in your career. For instance, is this going to be the year that you finally take the lead on a PR campaign, or even record that hilarious podcast where you share your experiences?

Whatever your goals are, jot them down. Now that they’re visible, it’s time to make them a reality. A great way to do this is by making them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.

Ensure your goals are SMART by asking yourself:

  • Specific: What exactly do I want to accomplish, and why is this goal important to me?
  • Measurable: How will I know when I’ve achieved my goal?
  • Achievable: What challenges could I face?
  • Realistic: Is this going to be worthwhile?
  • Time-bound: How much time am I giving myself to make it happen?

Consider the SMART goal of ‘recording a podcast’ as an example:

  • S – I want to start my own podcast because I think that up-and-coming PR pros could benefit from my experience in the industry.
  • M – Recording and editing at least one 45 minute podcast every two weeks is a good place to begin.
  • A – The PR industry doesn’t operate in the typical 9 to 5 fashion, so I need to make sure I make time to properly record and edit, and still do a great job.
  • R – It’s going to be a great way to share my knowledge.
  • T – I’d like to start today by creating a list of topics to speak about and schedule two hours every week that are dedicated to recording, editing and uploading.

Remember that you should action all your goals in a way that will not only improve your personal brand but also add value to your audience. Your podcast, for example, is your platform to talk about your time in the industry, but in order for it to be beneficial to your listeners, you should be sure to include tips, tricks and any lessons you’ve learnt along the way.

Step 3: Identify your target audience

For any communications strategy to be successful, it needs to target the right people.

If you’re planning on creating the podcast (used as an example in the previous point) as a way to share advice with PR pros, you’ll need to consider who will be interested in learning from your experiences. This will most likely be newcomers to the industry who are keen to listen to your advice.

Next, you'll need to consider where you'll reach these newcomers. Do they make use of social media? If so, what are their preferred platforms?

Once you've determined their favourite site, think about how best to connect with them. One way to do this is by pinpointing when they spend the most time online. Do this by researching the days and times that they’re most active.

Now that you know when and where your audience is actively engaging, it’s time to communicate your message. You’ll know your message is getting through to the right people if they make an effort to like, comment or even repost your content.

Step 4: Set up a routine and stick to it

Clearly outline your deadlines for the day, week and even the next month. That way you’ll be able to see everything that you need to get done, as well as what you should be preparing for.

Try to stick to your plan as closely as possible so that you don’t fall behind schedule. It’s also a good idea to set reminders to keep you on track.

Step 5: Reevaluate your strategy

Remember that, in PR, no two days are the same, so it may be difficult to adequately outline your plan. If sticking to your strategy becomes more and more difficult, take time to relook at it and make adjustments that’ll allow you to account for the changing nature of PR.