Tiny Khahlenya started her recycling journey by collecting returnable glass bottles over 10 years ago to better the community and for the environment. She would return these bottles to make a profit.

Recently, Khahlenya decided to start working with non-returnable bottles and jars. She says that she realised that there was an opportunity in the market for her to help customers sell their glass. Khahlenya has managed to grow her business and now collects glass as far as Delmas.

"My business has grown exponentially, and I intend to work hard to purchase a new truck soon," says Khahlenya. "I enjoy recycling as I am able to give back to the communities by doing this. Most of my customers are elderly woman and I am trying to do my part in eradicating poverty in my community." 

Khahlenya says that she appreciates the hard work that the women who she works with are doing.

"It's not always easy, I will admit that, and my cashflow is sometimes slower than I would prefer, but I feel empowered by the fact that I can make a difference to the environment and the lives of those around me. I have received great support from TGRC with infrastructure that they have supplied to me for my business, which makes a big difference," she concludes.

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