"People’s everyday life seems profoundly emotional: Participants experienced at least one emotion 90% of the time," according to a study done by PLoS One. This just shows that humans are indeed emotional creatures. This means that it is essential to acknowledge the emotions that we feel and sometimes the best way to then deal with them is through music.

Listening to music can have "both a mental and physical impact on your body" — meaning that if you are feeling stressed, you can listen to calm music. This will help release chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin, which will make you happy and calm.

So what five songs do you need in your playlist? Pop on those headphones and let's get right into them:

1. Stayin' Alive — Bee Gees

As a PR professional, you need to deal with many people daily, which can lead to you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. And let's not even mention the constant crises management that a PR pro needs to deal with.

The best song to blast when you are feeling down in the dumps would definitely be Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees. This is because the song reminds you that you are doing your absolute best and through everything, you are staying alive. You got this! Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive.

2. Shake It Off — Taylor Swift

In the PR industry, you need to get earned media for a client, pitch new ideas to brands and come up with new ways to ensure the success of a press conference. This means that you might be facing a lot of rejection. And if you take that rejection personally, your job will soon seem like a nightmare. Enter Taylor Swift.

The moment when you are faced with negative feedback or any sort of rejection, you need to open up your playlist and hit play on Shake It Off. While the song is playing and you hear Taylor singing I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off, you need to picture how you are shaking off the hate, rejection and fear of not being good enough. I am pretty sure Taylor sees daily posts on social telling her she is the worst and yet she still shines! If she can do it — so can you!

3. Talking To The Moon — Bruno Mars

Public relations professionals constantly need to work closely with journalists and online publications. This is because securing earned media for your clients requires strong and authentic relationships with the right people in the media industry.

Now, I am pretty sure that you have been ghosted by more than one journalist. This can cause anger, frustration and, overall, a feeling of disappointment.

In moments like that, you need to pump up the volume and scream your lungs out to Talking To The Moon by none other than Bruno Mars. This song will ensure that you feel like your feelings are being voiced and heard. And to all the journalists, we know you're somewhere out there, somewhere far away …

4. Feeling Good — Michael Bublé

You know that feeling you get when you see the press release published online or that emotion that emerges right after a successful event? Well, you need to hold onto that feeling and make it linger a little while longer. And how would one do this, you ask? Easy! Just ask the birds in the sky.

Head over to your go-to playlist, hit play on Feeling Good and pump the song loud and proud! Singing to a song about how you are feeling good will allow you to daydream about your victory just for a few more minutes. And just like the butterflies, be sure to have some fun!

5. The Seed — AURORA

There are many times when PR pros tend to work overtime and reach a place of burnout. When you are feeling tired and overworked, creativity will run low and you might slip up and make small mistakes. This is why you need to remember that you need to take care of yourself first, in order to take care of others (such as your agency or clients).

The Seed is a song by Norwegian artist AURORA and this song digs deep to where she reminds everyone that "you cannot eat money". This song leads us to the fact that you need to take care of yourself and the earth because working to the point of burnout will not be healthy for you in any way.

So be sure to put this song loud and feel your inner warrior coming out!

What are some other songs you think should have made the playlist? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

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*Image courtesy of Pexels