The hybrid session, which took place on Monday, 22 January, complemented the ongoing Global Alliance Health and Well-being Month. Its central issue, 'PRISA caring about the well-being of practitioners', was discussed. 

As a result of the particular difficulties they face at work, the culture of the workplace and the wide range of experiences and information they are exposed to, communication professionals frequently have greater rates of poor mental health than those in other professions, according to the session.

According to the World Health Organisation, anxiety and depression account for an estimated 12 billion missed working days a year, making these mental health conditions commonplace around the globe. 

"In recognition of Health and Well-being Month, the Global Alliance has planned a number of events, realising the influence on the PR sector. With this effort, professionals will get a chance to take a vacation, spend time with friends and family and look forward to a healthier 2024," says Green. 

The Global Alliance is providing free access to downloadable white papers, articles, podcasts and world news on health and wellness throughout the month of January.

According to PRISA, the workshop was helpful, providing insightful viewpoints on taking care of oneself, helping co-workers and promoting the well-being of the community not only in South Africa but around the globe.

PRISA concludes that it offered communicators a chance to learn from one another, exchange stories and cooperate to create a more positive and encouraging work atmosphere.

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*Image courtesy of contributor