Set against the theme 'Ride a Mile in My Wheels', the annual campaign coincides with Intellectual Disability Awareness Month, unfolding throughout the month of March.
CEO of the Society Xelda Rohrbeck says that the campaign was a highlight in their calendar as it was their biggest annual fundraiser. It encouraged donors and sponsors to join hands with them to not only raise awareness but also raise much-needed funds for the society.
Rohrbeck pointed out that the cost of each resident at Little Eden Society is currently R14 160 per month per resident, and they had to raise just over R61-million annually to continue giving their residents quality care.
"As we mark Intellectual Disability Awareness Month in March, the CEO Wheelchair Campaign® takes centre stage, aiming to generate awareness and support for those who rely on wheelchairs for mobility. With 64% of our residents depending on wheelchairs for mobility, the campaign seeks to make a profound and lasting impact on their lives," Rohrbeck says.
Rohrbeck adds that an invitation was extended to participate in the unique and transformative experience, including:
- CEOs
- business leaders
- executors
- directors, and
- everyone in corporate.
"As leaders in the business world, your participation in the CEO Wheelchair Campaign® sends a powerful message of commitment to social responsibility and inclusivity. By dedicating one workday to this cause, you contribute to breaking down barriers and creating a workplace culture that values diversity and understands the unique challenges faced by individuals living with intellectual disabilities and those who rely on wheelchairs for mobility," says Rohrbeck.
"Join us in making a tangible impact, not only within your organisations but also in shaping a more compassionate and understanding society," Rohrbeck concludes.
More about the seventh annual CEO Wheelchair Campaign®
Duration: Friday, 1 March to Sunday, 31 March (Intellectual Disability Awareness Month)
The CEO Wheelchair Campaign® aims to raise awareness of and generate compassion for people who are abled differently physically. This includes Little Eden residents, of whom 64% use wheelchairs for their daily mobility needs and live with different abilities in terms of intellect.
Many people are not aware that profound Intellectual Disability almost always occurs concomitantly with physical limitations and other limitations, experienced by Little Eden residents.
The objective:
- To raise R1.5-million, through the campaign, towards the care of LITTLE EDEN residents by Sunday, 31 March.
- Recruit CEOs to sign up and spend a day at work or home office in a wheelchair during the month of March and make a financial donation of R55 000 (Big companies) / R35 000 (SMEs) to LITTLE EDEN.
- Participants who are unable to spend a workday in a wheelchair may support the campaign through a financial donation and advocacy.
- CEOs can challenge other CEOs to participate in the campaign.
- CEOs are invited to share their experience and provide actions and or suggestions on what their organisation can do to be more inclusive of those relying on mobility devices and with different abilities.
How to participate:
- Contact development officer Nadine Mason at [email protected].
- Donate R55 000 (R35 000 for smaller enterprises) to Little Eden Society.
- Challenge another CEO or business leader to participate.
- Share a write-up about your day in the wheelchair with pictures or videos to be published on Little Edens Society's social media pages and website.
- Participating companies will gain valuable tax and BBBEE benefits and additionally will make a lasting contribution to improving the lives of one of the most vulnerable members of society — children and adults with different abilities.