Sprout Social reports that its data shows many brands are applying social tactics that don’t correlate with what people want. Almost 60% of the more than 1 000 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram users surveyed said they are annoyed with too many promotions.

The company elaborated on the results on its website, writing; “The perils of over-promotion only escalate if brands are unresponsive. In fact, one in four people are annoyed when you don’t respond to them. And seeing as only one in 10 messages on social actually get a reply from brands, it’s likely that you’re ticking off a lot of fans.”

Another finding was that 71% of those surveyed said they have unfollowed a brand because they were embarrassed. “People just don’t want to be associated with brands that are antiquated or ridiculous. While your social profile might not be the full story, a brand refresh on that platform might help your overall perception,” the company indicates.

Other statistics from the Q3 2016 Sprout Social Index:

  • 38% of people find the use of slang to be irritating;
  • 32% of respondents were annoyed when a brand tries to be funny, when they clearly are not;
  • 34% of people find a lack of brand personality annoying; and
  • 41% of people will unfollow a brand that doesn’t share relevant information.

The company’s advice? Re-evaluate your resources to better serve your audience’s needs. “With the right team, plan, and tools in place, you can start building out a social strategy that converts instead of annoys. Hiring a content team made up of journalists and not marketers is the first step in the right direction.”

It notes that while a large budget isn’t necessary, a content distribution plan that includes paid social is essential in reiterating your brand message.

Read Sprout Social’s analysis here.

*Image by Sprout Social under this license, via Wikimedia Commons