Available in 47 countries, with more than 550 million people from around the world visiting Facebook to buy and sell goods each month, Marketplace aims to make it easier for people to trade with others on Facebook.

How to use Marketplace:
  • Tap on the Marketplace icon; 
  • In order for users to find what they're looking for, they need to search at the top and filter their results by location, category, or price; 
  • In order for users to sell something, they need to take a photo, describe an item, and set a price; and 
  • Buyers and sellers can communicate with each other using Facebook Messenger. 

How to trade safely

Facebook aims to help users trade safely on Marketplace by offering safety tips, privacy controls, and easy-to-use reporting tools.

Here are seven tips from Facebook on trading safely on Marketplace:

1. Comply with the Commerce Policy

Items, products or services sold on Facebook must comply with Facebook Community Standards and Commerce Policies. View the list of items prohibited on Facebook for more information.

2. Verify the item

When buying an item, examine it carefully for quality, condition and authenticity before paying. For high-value items (watches, luxury bags), consider requesting a certificate of authenticity or proof of purchase.

3. Be shipping savvy

If the seller offers to ship the item rather than exchanging it in person, users may not have the opportunity to verify the item before completing their purchase. Users can use a service such as Standard Bank’s Shepherd to arrange safe payment and shipment. Shepherd keeps the money for a transaction in a trust account and releases it to the seller once the buyer verifies he or she has received the correct item in good condition.

4. Meet in a safe location

Meet in a public place like a coffee shop or the mall. Before users go out, they should tell a family member or a friend where they're going, bring their cell phone, and consider asking another adult to come with them.

5. Use cash, COD, or person-to-person payment methods

Buyers and sellers may offer or accept cash or person-to-person (P2P) payments. If users choose to pay electronically using EFT, avoid payment links and log in directly through the payment method's website. If the value of the item users intend to buy or sell requires a significant amount of cash, users might consider using a person-to-person payment method, such as PayPal or FNB eWallet.

6. Protect the account's privacy

It is advised to users not to share financial account information (example: Payment login and password, bank account info) with buyers or sellers. Additionally, users need to make sure their Facebook Privacy Settings are up-to-date. These settings help limit what other people can see (example: status updates, location, photos) on users' profile page and what users share on Facebook.

7. Report someone

If users are having a problem with someone in Marketplace, they can report them.