Why? It's because your Facebook page isn't driving enough traffic in order for you to redirect to your website.

So, here are seven tips to help you out:

1. Provide exclusive deals

How many brands do you know that lure you to follow their Facebook page? They don't lure you in for no reason. When they ask you to follow them, they generally strive to have something worthwhile to offer you in return.

Verbiage like 'special offer for our Facebook followers,' 'follow us on Facebook for the best deals', can be accompanied by an exclusive 'follow' button to your website. Such tactics can boost your traffic and help you increase your followers.

2. Run different contests

Running Facebook contests is yet another way to boost traffic. Brands of all sizes run different contests to attract users, engage them and turn them into their followers. It's also an inexpensive way to advertise your brand.

Besides boosting traffic, contests help you gather users' data, boost your social proof, encourage engagement and boost your search engine optimisation.

When you create questions for a contest, think about users and their interests. It shouldn't focus on your brand but on the people who would participate in it.

3. Post engaging content at the right time

The good old days of Facebook were glorious for marketers. It's because the social media giant would show your posts to all of your audiences. But those days have gone. Now, Facebook's algorithm takes charge of your posts' appearances in your followers' News Feeds. This means that only a few followers will be able to see your posts.

Therefore, it is important that you post relevant and engaging content that will be seen on News Feeds. The variety of content can include videos, stories, photos and more. You should post them on the right time and once or twice a day.

When posting any content, make sure you use your company's logo design. It will help people recall and recognise your brand.

4. Engage with your audience

When your target audience 'Likes', shares or comments on your posts, you need to respond. Even if they are complaining, respond to their comments. As a brand, the last thing you want your audience to think is that you are being rude or ignoring them.

Engaging the audience works wonders for a brand's reputation. It shows that the brand is serious about their interests, complaints, and compliments. Such things build trust. If your customers think that you are worthy of their trust, they won't go anywhere else.

5. Stay away from sales pitches

Offering deals and discounts on Facebook is one thing, and selling to your followers is another. Create content that doesn't irritate your audience by its traditional sales pitch. Opt for storytelling instead. Cover up your sales pitches in funny and humorous posts.

Nowadays, people like memes a lot. Provide relevant information related to your brand through memes. It will keep your post light as well as inviting.

6. Use visuals with every post

According to a Buzzsumo report, Facebook posts that have images drive 2.3 times more engagement than posts with no images. Look around you. You will find brands posting with stunning visuals on Facebook that receive hundreds of 'Likes', comments, and shares.

Not using images isn't an option — it's mandatory. Even, videos and GIFs have made their way into the brand's posts.

Whether it's a quote, some tips from a blog or some business ideas that you want to share with your audience, add an image to increase its engagement rate.

7. Recycle and repurpose content

Marketers often think that Google prefers fresh content. Well, that's not the case. If your content is relevant and evergreen, it will always drive traffic. Facebook users don't mind sharing, liking and commenting on evergreen content, so take advantage of this.

If you have posted an evergreen content and it continues to drive traffic, Facebook's algorithm will distribute it further. It will appear in the feeds of people and for longer. So, recycle and repurpose your evergreen content.