According to Nfluencial, the assumption is that South Africans are turning to the Internet and, more specifically, to social media for information and entertainment.

According to the survey, it’s the perfect time for brands to invest more budget into digital and influencer marketing because the majority of consumers are on social media now more than ever, whether it be for information or entertainment.

Key take-outs from its survey include:
  • 71% of respondents said that they spend much more time on social media and 63% on messenger apps since the lockdown started.
  • YouTube is the third most preferred platform to watch television.
  • People are still considering and researching online shopping options, and
  • Instagram is only the second most popular social media platform at 26% across age groups.
The survey indicates that brands need to relook their messaging and know that this is not the time to push product, but rather to be empathetic to the situation everyone finds themselves in.

Consumers will remember how brands treated them and the situation long after it's over.

The survey indicates that now is a great time for brands to:
  • increase brand love with their social media communities
  • listen to consumers' needs in order to service them better when we are out of lockdown
  • offer advice and information on topics related to being confined to their homes, and
  • offer some entertainment if the brand is that way inclined
To download the full report, individuals can visit Nfluencial's website

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