Too much of anything will end up being bad for you. That is why when falling in love with something as big and diverse as social media, caution needs to be taken. So, don't fall head over heels just yet — start by tiptoeing into the waters.

Although there are countless benefits to social media, it is vital to have a healthy and balanced relationship with all the social platforms. Here to guide you on this romantic whirlwind is media update’s Talisa Carlson.

Ready to fall in love? Let’s do it:

1. Social media provides unlimited inspiration

When you are new in love and in that honeymoon phase, you are all inspired and happy, correct? Well, imagine feeling like that every day. Newsflash! This is exactly what social media will do for you.

Regardless of the job you work in, creativity is always essential as it helps you to continuously find new ideas and step up your game. Staying inspired and creative can truly become difficult in a world where it is a must 24 / 7. Enter social media, with a serenading song.

According to Statista, in 2021 there were 3.78 billion active users across social media platforms. With this in mind, it is easy to imagine that there will be countless people online from right across the world. This means that, if you search certain hashtags, you are sure to find inspiration from artists, content creators, actors — and the list goes on — from various walks of life.

So, next time when you are running low on inspiration, be sure to hop onto social media!

2. You will find niche communities

Your boyfriend might be into camping and you are not — but that doesn't mean you can't find gal pals online to do fun things with. Social media shares love all around.

With the high number of users online, it can be easy to see how there will be a community for everything — right from Border Collie lovers all the way through to people who love collecting candles. This means that social media unlocks the door to find a place where you feel like you can fit in and belong!

This is especially when taking into consideration that social media connects you to people from all around the world. Even though the time zones are different, there is always a way to communicate and connect with people with similar interests as you! Sounds like a great reason to fall in love with these platforms, doesn't it?

3. It gives you a space to showcase your passions

There are five main love languages and social media caters to each type of person and love language.

Let's be honest, not everyone is as fortunate to absolutely love their nine-to-five job. This means it is important to have a place where you can showcase your true passions and hobbies. And what better place than social media? Here, you can tag friends, family, or other people that share the same interests as you.

A social platform such as Instagram is a highly visual platform. So if you enjoy taking photos, this is a great place to share them!

Or if you enjoy writing poetry, you can create visual images and share them on Pinterest. This will allow you to have a creative outlet — while being able to share it with like-minded people.

4. Social media encourages self-acceptance

It is no secret that social media is filled with trolls and negative comments, but there are also a ton of people that encourage and support you to be — well — you! Hashtags such as '#LoveThySelfie' and '#BossBabe' encourage others to post selfies or images that they are proud of.

People on social media will also comment on posts saying 'Slay Queen' or 'You’re killing it' to remind each other to love themselves.

The hashtag '#MentalHealthMatters' has been used 7 784 602 times on Instagram posts. This also shows that a lot of people are becoming more in tune with the importance of mental health and are talking openly about it on social media.

Social media can be your significant other this Valentine's Day if you are single because there are countless people ready to tell you just how truly amazing you are online.

5. Social media allows for knowledge at your fingertips

You know when men wear that t-shirt that says, "I don't need Google — I got a wife"? Well, with social media by your side, you can identify it as your 'wifey' for sure!

Albert Einstein once said, "Creativity is intelligence having fun;" and what better way to work on both your intelligence and creativity than by gaining knowledge. Social media users share so many tips and tricks — from improving your eating habits to how the toothbrush came into existence. This is especially true for TikTok videos.

With social media, knowledge is literally at your fingertips. You can search hashtags, or friends and family can share interesting fun facts with you by sending a video to your DMs.

So, do you want to tick all the boxes? Then be sure to hop onto social media and start learning.

What are some other reasons to fall in love with social media? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

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*Image courtesy of Pexels