For those of you who are not so clued up in the TikTok realm, the "he's a 10 but …" trend works like this:

Individuals rate an imaginary partner on a scale of one to 10 to determine their attractiveness. But a negative attribute needs to be assigned as well to balance the level of attractiveness. Ouch, we know!

Play along as we determine what’s a 10 … the social media edition:

You're a one but …

Let's face it: Sometimes, you don't know what you are doing on social media. Either your brand is not the social type or you haven't made the important decision of hiring a social media manager.

For this, we score you a one! Yes, not all brands are meant for every social platform, but there are a few that are worth the risk.

If you have an informative brand that frequently researches and publishes statistics that get used in the industry, LinkedIn and Facebook could be the platforms for your brand.

Either way, stop saying that your brand is not meant for social media because we disagree. There is at least one social media platform, among the many, which will benefit your business.


You're a two but …

Social media mistakes: We've all been there and we've all made them, but thank goodness for the delete button.

… Or not! Small mistakes of not adding the image or forgetting the hashtag are something that your followers can forgive and forget, but there are cases where social media isn't as forgiving.

If your brand does make the mistake of starting a scandal or being controversial (for the wrong reasons) then it is best to:
  • own your mistakes
  • learn where you went wrong and how you missed the mark
  • apologise to your followers and any other relevant parties, and
  • be better in the future.


You're a three but …

Your social media platforms are incomplete and not linked to your brand's website. How hard is linking, anyway?

Let's be clear: Marketing is always an important factor. Whether your marketing tries to drive followers to your website or vice versa, it is highly recommended that you align and link back.

So, for having an incomplete social platform, you lose points. You don't add your social media platform links to your website? You lose points. You don't see why a short bio description is important, or why you need to add an updated profile pic of your brand logo? You lose points.

Before you know it, you end up with a fantastic brand but with a "they look better in person than on social media."


You're a four but …

You align all your content on all the social media platforms. Yawn, how boring.

We are not saying that aligning your content is wrong, what we are saying is that certain content performs better on different platforms.

For example, let's say that you create an appealing post for your Instagram followers. This does not necessarily mean that it will perform well on TikTok or YouTube. In fact, it might just have the opposite effect of what you were hoping for.


You're a five but …

You refuse to be one of those brands that use the "boost post" button. Go and hinder yourself, why don't you?

We know that you have an entire marketing team and budget that does the marketing. But sometimes your social media manager also needs to be given some funds to get the best out of a fantastic post.

Allowing your digital team to spend some cha-ching can help your marketing team reach audiences that might not have been accessible with organic content. Not only that but it can help your platform to:
  • get a broader scheme of analytics / demographics
  • see what type of content works for different categories
  • increase your brand visibility, and
  • help customise content for the targeted audience.


You're a six but …

You don't keep up with social trends, changes or big events. I mean, it goes without saying!

Trends are the perfect opportunity to jump onto a bandwagon of social media fun. It can also help with that necessary content strategy break-in where creativity can flourish.

In the grand scheme of things, trends are but a drop in a bucket, but they do add a fun and creative element that followers enjoy. It can also show your brand's more personal side by including other employees who are normally stuck behind the desk or in other departments.

According to a Focal Points Analysis article, trends have three important aspects:
  • they help you to stay ahead of your competitors
  • analysing media trends helps you to keep your content in the right direction, and
  • they provide better opportunities for your brand.


You're a seven but …

You are speaking to the wrong crowd. Let's say it louder for the people in the back: You need to cater to your own people — or better yet, the clients that you want!

Manifest it while marketing for it.

This can be done through:
  • keyword research
  • social media recon to see what type of platforms your clients are on and following
  • the old test and trial to see what peaks their fancy, and
  • tailoring messages to the identified demographic.


You're an eight but …

You don't engage with followers or monitor your brand on social media. We are not saying that you should become a peeping Tom, but it may benefit you to be that nosy 'stoep'-neighbour that knows about everyone's business.

Part of social media is being social. If your followers are commenting, asking questions or engaging with content, then you should be doing the same.

Part of social media is that it is always changing, and if you aren't changing with it, you are not always worth the mention. So, staying up to date on what people are saying about your brand — and where your brand is missing the mark — is an important aspect.


You're a nine but …

You are over-promoting your brand or content. We know, we just said that marketing is important, but sometimes being too pushy can make your followers click that 'unsubscribe' or 'mute' button.

By over-promoting your brand, it also loses its sense of humanness. And, as mentioned before, engaging with followers will take you a lot further than pushing a product.

Rather than facing the consequences of the sad (but still dignified) mute, tone down the promotions. Get to know your followers and create more personalised content rather than just pushing to sell.


You're a 10 but …

The perfect 10. It is the number every business strives for. To be rated a 10, you need to go above, beyond and further than that.

To achieve such perfection, your social platforms need to be the poster child. It needs to be tailored for each individual social platform with a full understanding of:
  • who is your audience is
  • what are your top-performing posts are
  • how your competitors are failing and succeeding on these platforms, and
  • how platforms are evolving alongside trends.


Where would you rate your social platforms? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

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Okay, you've aligned your brand platform to be the perfect 10, but where will your social platforms take you in the future? Find out about where your 10 will be with The future of social media.
*Image courtesy of Unsplash
**Image courtesy of GIPHY