If "BOO!" doesn’t get your attention, then maybe the phrase 'for the sake of your social media account' will.

Savvy social savants, 'tis time dust off the cobwebs for hanging, to haul out the cauldrons for cooking and to get those selfie cameras and shutters snapping faster than those speedy fingers can type.

What makes a Halloween social post more 'hallo' than hollow? media update's Robyn du Preez dug deep into the Halloween vibe to give you a few pointers.

So, let's check it out:

Bring in a bit of the old

While the contemporary audience will agree that change is constant on social media, there are just some things that are still too iconic to be updated.

Take, for example, the colours that we best know Halloween stuff by:
  • orange
  • black, and
  • violet.
This trio made their appearances as far back as 1910. Yup, nearly as old as Dracula himself.

Orange has been associated with pumpkins, corn and dried-out husks. This was for the harvest month in America. Black represents an ominous presence — supported by the flurry of 'bad little black kitties'. Purple was added to the gang, representing the superstitious and uncanny.

Add a tinge of green for gross things and we got a winning colour palette! So go for it — slay contemporary tastes with your 'vamp'ed-up content, but don't forget to make use of these colours to truly set the immortal vibe.

Speaking of which…

Add something new to the brew

Traditions have seen folk doing varyingly strange things for this festivity. We have gone from warding off entities with garlic and pumpkins to forcing people to give us sweets — or face the consequences of our costumes.

Yup … without context, it's safe to say that the dog — I mean day — has marked some wacky things. But despite all that, it also brings about excitement and a place for the imagination to run wild with continuously new ideas — that's why we love it!

Now, we are not supporting some radical run-naked-towards-the-moon stuff here — but what we are saying is that social media is the place for the weird, wonderful and … well, different stuff to best show a presence.

Need a bit of help to see what we are talking about? Check out here how others have used the theme in various contexts, like:
  • events
  • challenges
  • contests
  • outreaches
  • personal growth
  • marketing
  • food
  • decor
  • education, and
  • fundraising.

So, maybe the trick here is just to let your true self run furry under the night sky?

Go do what you love and celebrate the eerie time in the way that best represents your interests and passions — with your online pack, of course.

Cast in a magical element

Black hats, cats and broomsticks … put them in front of a cauldron and voila! MAGIC.

The elixir for digital druidical dabbles is a little bit different, however. We all know that a magician never reveals his tricks and a witch never hands out potion recipes like they’re trick-or-treat candy.

But worry not, human! We found the magic recipe for social content:


a cackle of humour
monstrously aesthetic design
an online trend that is totes taboo
a semblance of you
a caption written in the language of your people, and
a tool that represents the purpose of your content fully — a social platform.


Here's where practice comes in: You have to mix together the right combinations, at the right time, in the right places.

If you do not have practice, then maybe a better mixing spoon (cough, social listening tool, cough) might come in handy.

It's all in your hands now … Have a happy social spooking day!

Have any other suggestions for Halloween-themed social media content? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Want to know what hashtags to add to your content for the Halloween period? Check out these 10 Trending Halloween hashtags on Instagram.
*Image courtesy of Canva