Do you wonder why some brands use certain colours or why sometimes, when you are looking at a post on social media, you feel a certain way?

Well, it is all because of colour psychology.

Colours have a cool way of affecting us and making us feel a certain way when we look at them. And when you create a social media post, you sometimes want to give off a certain vibe or feeling.

By applying simple colour psychology to your posts, you have a better chance of getting the outcome you are looking for!

So get ready to paint the town red as media update's Saads Abrahams colours your social world!

What colours are you using in your social media posts? Let us know in the comments section below.

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If you want to step up your social media game, then take a look at these Social media hacks to make you stand out like a masterpiece [Infographic].
*Image courtesy of Canva
** Information sourced from HyperChat Social and Relevance