B2B marketing is like the lawnmower. You sometimes hear it humming outside; you know someone probably uses it, but that person's never going to be you.

Right? Wrong.

What if B2B marketing was actually that pair of shoes in the back of your closet that seemed too unique to wear with any of your outfits? What if B2B marketing just needed the right outfit and occasion to become your new favourite buy?

Take notes! media update's Joreke Kleynhans clears up some key concepts for B2B newbies.

Primary marketing goal

B2B sales thrive when there is a positive symbiotic relationship between the buyer and seller. Your B2B marketing strategy will therefore be built to establish a trustworthy, helpful and efficient solution that promises a high ROI.

Messaging strategy

Unlike B2C marketing, your B2B audience cannot be convinced through emotional campaigning. They require factual, detail-oriented messaging. Your main objectives will be to:

  • identify a problem in your target audience's working system 
  • make them aware of it, and
  • solve it with your offer.

As long as the product or service you're marketing holds water, corporate decision-makers aren't harder to convince than individual shoppers.

Audience needs

B2B marketing is often feared because it targets a corporate audience — a seemingly more intricate audience to convince. However, looking at it from another angle, you might realise that this audience is simply different!

The B2B target audience consists of internal departments, external stakeholders, the public and many more invisible role-players. Buyers will therefore need a solution that:

  • can last over the long term
  • fits the company budget
  • is purposeful in different contexts, and
  • is quick to implement in their systems.

If your offer has these characteristics, buyers can more easily justify a purchase to the rest of their stakeholders. In other words, emphasise these advantages to better sell your solution!

Are you considering pursuing a B2B marketing career? Let us know why in the comments section below.

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If you have more questions about the specifics of marketing, read our article Short-form versus long-form content for marketing.

*Image courtesy of Canva