Cheapflights is a global travel search site that compares flights, hotels and rental cars. It aims to make the journey simple for travellers to find great deals.

Cheapflights is able to deliver relevant commentary on the state of travel, insights on current travel trends and popular destinations among South Africans. 

"As travel starts to come back, we see great potential for Cheapflights in the South African market," says Laure Bornet, VP and GM EMEA for KAYAK, which manages Cheapflights.

"We are excited to team up with Irvine Partners to help educate the media and travellers on our unique brand proposition and product offerings that help consumers find great travel deals for their next domestic or international adventure," adds Bornet.

"The last year has been incredibly challenging for the travel and tourism industry. We believe there is an opportunity to revive the urge to travel and grow awareness around Cheapflights and how their products can help South African travellers find great travel deals. We are excited to partner with Cheapflights to achieve that," concludes Irvine Partners CEO Rachel Irvine.

The agency will handle all media enquiries around Cheapflights, which may be directed to [email protected].

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