The primary purpose of PR is to circulate information about certain events, topics or brands.

In the past, only one method was used for getting publicity: press releases. The industry has undergone some significant changes since then, and PR strategies also need to change for them to remain effective.

media update's Joreke Kleynhans outlines three tactics that complement press releases and maximise PR results.

Utilise brand ambassadors

Brand ambassadors represent a brand's products or services for monetary compensation. Ambassadors who showcase a similar corporate image and values to your brand can promote it in a positive light. 

This tactic is effective because it humanises your brand. Consumers trust other people more than they trust an entity that pursues profits. So, seeing a person — even just a stranger on the Internet — endorsing your brand can help fortify consumer trust.

Invest in your community

Taking part in activities that benefit more than just your brand is crucial to establishing a positive public image. It is important not to do this just for the sake of press coverage, though. Consumers can always tell when community initiatives are insincere.

The true objective should always be to make a positive difference. The events will be covered by unpaid press, spotlighting your brand's interest in their community and boosting your brand's public image. 

Analyse and adapt accordingly

The root of PR is audience engagement and getting messages out into the world. You might be trying to send a certain message — but is it being received? The success of a PR campaign is measured by its effects on public perception, so make sure that the message is well delivered. 

Using media monitoring and social media analysis equips you with the necessary information to evaluate conversations about your brand and competitors, the sentiment thereof and the areas that need improvement.

With analytics, you can tailor your PR strategies to specific audiences and goals.

What do you do to strengthen your PR strategies? Let us know in the comment section below.

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On a mission to improve your PR skills? Check out these Key skills needed to be a PR pro — in 200 words or less.

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