It's easy to see when the results of a PR campaign are not what you hoped they'd be. Finding the root of these issues can be harder and, without the root cause, your solutions are not as targeted as they should be. Scroll away to have media update help you troubleshoot your strategy!
When a part of your communication strategy is not working as it should be, it can be tempting to slap a bandaid on it and hope it heals. While this solution might work in the short term, PR is no exception to the rule that quick fixes only patch the surface of bigger problems.
That means you need to get down to the cause of your problems, and not just treat their symptoms!
media update’s Joreke Kleynhans can help you troubleshoot your PR strategy to find causes and solutions for your PR issues with this infographic:
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*Image courtesy of Canva
**Sources used include Relevance, LinkedIn & Medium