The career path of the content creator is epic — what awaits you on the other side of this starting decision is adventure, constant creativity and miles and miles of expanding on what you already know, in every way possible.

Think of a flower that never stops growing: A content creator is in a diverse field that is constantly changing, constantly growing and constantly feeding those in it. Yes please!

But before we dive into all the hows of getting aboard, let's first look at what a content creator does.

According to Adobe Express, a content creator is someone who "creates entertaining or educational material" through various mediums and channels. While the role might see you creating more digital content than traditional, the opportunities are endless, really!

So now that you know the gist of what you'll be doing, let's unpack everything you'll need to kick-start your new career path:

1. The inspiration station

In a previous media update article, we looked at how you, as a content creator, will find yourself:
  • conjuring up blog pieces
  • designing graphics, and
  • maybe even crafting award-winning pitches.

Imagine — all this from the comfort of your office chair!

And while this is all spiffy at first thought, there is little room for inspiration in the same ol' four walls. So, here's what we suggest to get your inspo zone flooded with creativity again:

Sign up to social platforms like Pinterest and Reddit to look for:
  • ideas
  • mood boards
  • frameworks
  • exercises
  • trends, and
  • popular challenges.

Log into Spotify, Apple Music or even a fave YouTube music playlist to open yourself up to some musical sensory. Music is a sure way to fill your creative cup.

Read up and subscribe to other content focusing on the same (and different) topics that you are working on. These blogs, sites and platforms will inspire new ideas and give you a new-found passion for your own projects.

Get rid of any mental blocks and don't be afraid to relax, rest and spend some time away in nature too.

2. The tool pool

Now that the inspiration flag is flying high again, here's how to harness it and work it into your own copy:

It all starts with a good ol' notebook. Your own ideas are the foundation of every masterpiece, so be ready to jot or draw them down (in print or digitally) when they hit you.
  • For workflow and admin purposes, try out tools like CoShedule, Asana, Trello, or Google Calendar.
  • For communications, set up an email address via Gmail or Outlook and look into tools like Microsoft Teams, Discord and Zoom.
  • When creating designs and graphics, look at Pexels, Canva, Gimp, WhatTheFont, Adobe Suite, or Affinity's packages.
  • For copy, check out ProWritingAid and consider using WordPress or Google Docs for all your written content, as all your content will be conveniently saved there in the Cloud.
  • If you're looking for nifty guides, try out Grammarly, Adobe Color, or Crystal.

3. The skill reel

Now that you are inspired and all geared up, let's find you some skill sets that will help you to practice and refine your work:

Writing skills
A significant focus in content creation is text and copy. This is because how you use language plays an essential role in meeting your client's requirements.

Look into creative online courses, language theory materials and opportunities to practice and refine your writing skills.

Editing skills
To add to writing, you need to know how to edit your work to fit into a larger body if you are writing for other entities. Think of an article for a magazine with a specific style, for example.

Consider taking up a course that specialises in:
  • writing styles
  • punctuation
  • grammar, and
  • best editing practices.

This will teach you how to mould your unique work in a way that will resonate with your client's requirements.

Design skills
All we can say here is practice, practice, practice! Practice creating graphics, videos and visuals on various platforms.

With the help of your tools and inspirational content, you will start to pick up an eye for:
  • colour
  • typography, and
  • delivering clear messaging through the elements that you intentionally use.

Dedication pays off, we can assure you of that!

Communication skills
We encourage you to consider keeping up with trends, terms and communication angles that best resonate with your clientele and audiences.

This does require ongoing research and upskilling, but it is essential to build on. Why?

Well, if you cannot interact with others to dissect requirements and material clearly, your purpose and offering are not going to meet your client's standards.

Admin skills
One of the other skills that content creators should look into is their time and admin management skills.

This is because these areas affect your efficiency and quality of output — for freelancers, full-time employees or casual creators alike!

Consider looking to resources, forums or even mentors that can advise you on how to better these skills.

5. The job shop

When looking for an employment opportunity in content creation, first consider the factors surrounding this career. These can be variances like:
  • contract, part-time or full-time opportunities
  • remote, hybrid or in-office environments
  • a career with more growth opportunities or a career with better remuneration opportunities
  • in-house clientele or external clientele
  • travelling restrictions or opportunities
  • ethics, morals, beliefs and mission of entities you would want to associate with, or
  • any other factors that you consider as decision-defining factors.

Once your preferences have been identified, consider the following platforms to keep a look out for potential creative employment:

Don't stop there, though! Contact creative agencies, publications and platforms that you look up to directly for future consideration. You never know what they might respond with!

5. The mentor door

Last but not least — find others that you can learn from!

Whether these are people that you know or individuals that you look up to, connect and create opportunities to learn from them on an ongoing basis.

Doing so will help you learn tricks of the trade that conventional teachings won't instruct you in. You can also learn from their mistakes to avoid making the same ones and speed up your journey to creative success.

If you do not know anyone in your field on a personal level, read up or follow others who have found success in their careers and reach out on a professional level.

You can also check out forums, platforms, places and events where you can find like-minded individuals. It’s really that easy!

And there you have it — our savvy starter points, just for you! Got anything else that you want to add to the mix for others, while we are at it? Drop it into the comments section!

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Content creation opens many, many career opportunities — so don't think that your adventures in this field will be short-lived! Why do we say this? Read A content creator's journey from writing to communications: A Q&A to find out!
*Image courtesy of Canva